Mt. Konocti Chaparral Preserve
Konocti Chaparral Preserve has no access at this time
Lake County Land Trust (LCLT) now counts a 40 acres chaparral preserve on Mt. Konocti as part of its holdings. In January of 2023, the De La Montanya family donated the land to LCLT. The preserve is located on the south side of Mt. Konocti. The parcel is contiguous with Mt Konocti County Park. It could offer future trail possibilities on the mountain and vital protection of chaparral habitat.
The De La Montanya family owns and operates the De La Montanya Vineyards and Winery in Healdsburg and have been in California for seven generations.They have a strong connection to Lake County and have been part-time residents for 30 years.
The Lake County Land Trust appreciates their foresight in conserving land on Mt Konocti. It is fitting that De La Montanya means “From the Mountains.”
Native chaparral is one of the most dominate biomes of Lake County. It covers the scenic hillsides appreciated by residents and visitors; it is home to a variety of birds and mammals and provides numerous plants upon which endangered pollinators like native bees and butterflies thrive.